Abedian, ahmad
Investigating relationship between satisfaction with life and social support with mental health among freshman students of Tehran University [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 145-152]
Afrooz, ali
Behavioral characteristics in infants with Atopic Dermatitis [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 91-98]
Afrooz, azade
Behavioral characteristics in infants with Atopic Dermatitis [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 91-98]
Aghamohammadian, reza
A study of the extent of men’s violence against women and its related variables among families inhabited in Ardabil city [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 107-113]
Alaei, vahed
Surveying of neuroleptic-induced movement disorders among Veterans hospitalized in psychiatric hospital of Isar in Ardebil city 2005-2006 [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 123-132]
Atayian, marzieh
Seasonal affective symptoms in Eghlid, Lamerd, and Arsanjan, three cities of Fars province [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 133-144]
Bakhshipour roudsari, abass
Investigating relationship between satisfaction with life and social support with mental health among freshman students of Tehran University [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 145-152]
Erfanian, reza
The quality and quantity assessment of marital satisfaction in addicted people and their husbands or wives who came to the addiction treatment clinic [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 115-121]
Esmaily, habib
The quality and quantity assessment of marital satisfaction in addicted people and their husbands or wives who came to the addiction treatment clinic [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 115-121]
Farahbakhsh, saeid
The comparison of secondary school principal’s mental health of Isfahan and Chandigarh cities (India) [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 99-105]
Mohammadzadeh, ali
The study of factor structure, validity, reliability and standardization of borderline personality scale (STB) in Shiraz University Students [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 75-89]
Mollazadeh, javad
The study of factor structure, validity, reliability and standardization of borderline personality scale (STB) in Shiraz University Students [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 75-89]
Narimani, mohamad
A study of the extent of men’s violence against women and its related variables among families inhabited in Ardabil city [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 107-113]
Nosrati, fateme
Behavioral characteristics in infants with Atopic Dermatitis [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 91-98]
Peyravi, hamid
Investigating relationship between satisfaction with life and social support with mental health among freshman students of Tehran University [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 145-152]
Rajabi, reza
Seasonal affective symptoms in Eghlid, Lamerd, and Arsanjan, three cities of Fars province [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 133-144]
Saleh pour, hamid
The quality and quantity assessment of marital satisfaction in addicted people and their husbands or wives who came to the addiction treatment clinic [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 115-121]
Taghavi, reza
The study of factor structure, validity, reliability and standardization of borderline personality scale (STB) in Shiraz University Students [Volume 7, Issue 28, 2006, Pages 75-89]
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