The projective responses of substance dependants in Rorschach test

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc. student in clinical psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University

2 Associate professor of clinical psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University

3 Assistant professor of clinical psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Semnan University


Introduction: Study on the characteristics and emotional style of abusing people gives the information about the addiction fundamental factors of and what perpetuates the addictive behavior. Due to Impressive growth of stimulants, particularly methamphetamine, in our country in recent years, this study aimed to evaluate the projection responses related to methamphetamine group in the Rorschach test.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study performed in 90-91 using availability sampling method in 40 methamphetamine-dependent men in Yaran, Omid, Novin, Omid-e-Rahaee and Nejat Camp and 40 people in control group in  Yazd. Two groups were matched in age and gender and educational level were equal. The Rorschach test was performed on all participants. Credibility among investors score obtained. Data were analyzed using with SPSSV19 and logistic regression models.
Results: The findings suggest that Human negative responses and color-shape responses in Rorschach test were able to separate significantly (P<0.05) methamphetamine-dependent people and control group. With a logistic regression model, 70% of people were correctly classified.
 Conclusion: Negative projection of human responses In methamphetamine-dependent group indicate that methamphetamine-dependent group were somewhat uncertain about the personal perfection due to having narcissistic personality, and tended to neutralize or control defensively positions that find challengeable with their valuable. Also reduce of responses with color-shape content shows improvement in treatment in methamphetamine-dependent group.


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