Development of a coping skills educational package and its effectiveness on awareness, attitude, and behavior regarding group conflicts among male adolescents

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student in psychology, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch, Semnan, Iran.

2 School of Psychology and Counseling, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant professor, Department of Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Semnan Branch, Semnan, Iran.



Introduction: This study addresses group conflicts among Iranian adolescents, developing an educational package to enhance coping skills, awareness, attitudes, and behaviors.
Materials and Methods: This mixed-methods research collected data from April 2023 to March 2024 in Tehran, Iran. The qualitative part included a systematic review and semi-structured interviews to identify skills. The quantitative part involved a Delphi method for validating the package. So, 365 adolescents were randomly selected and completed the Ramzi Collective Violence Questionnaire. Thirty individuals with the highest scores in collective violence were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. The experimental group received training over ten weeks in 20 sessions. One week later, both groups completed the questionnaire again. Qualitative data were analyzed using inductive content analysis, and quantitative data were analyzed using Multivariate Analysis of Covariance (MANCOVA) with SPSS 21.
Results: The extracted qualitative codes included practical training, coping skills, cognitive skills, communication and social skills, time and stress management, decision-making and resilience, self-control and creativity, crisis and worry coping, and coping with changes and pressures. In post-test, we found significant increase in awareness (t= -9.76, P= 0.001), improved attitudes (t= -10.17, P= 0.001), and a decrease in conflict-related behaviors (t= 5.73, P= 0.001). These results indicate a significant positive effect of the coping skills training on the awareness, attitude, and behavior of male adolescents regarding group conflicts.
Conclusion: The educational package improved male adolescents' coping strategies for managing group conflicts.


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