Assistant professor, Department of Counseling, Faculty of Education and Psychology, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran.
Introduction: A growing body of reviews focused on grief interventions and their effectiveness after the loss of a loved one due to suicide. This overview aimed to synthesize the results of the eight reviews during the last two decades.
Materials and Methods: Reviews were searched in databases (PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, Embase, Google Scholar, and Scopus) from 2008 to 2024. Articles that provide data on grief interventions within the context of suicide loss survivors will be included. The author screened the retrieved articles through (1) title and abstract screening and (2) full-text screening. A narrative synthesis approach was utilized for analyzing received high scores in the quality assessment studies. Results: The data were extracted into two main themes, "Types of Interventions" with five sub-themes, and "Effectiveness Spectrum," with five sub-themes.
Conclusion: Findings showed that most interventions focused on providing education, emotional support, and coping strategies for individuals grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide. Some interventions still yield inconclusive results, and research gaps require further exploration.
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Asgari, Z. (2024). Grief interventions for suicide loss survivors: An overview of reviews. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 26(6), 343-350. doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2024.81448.3146
Asgari, Z. . "Grief interventions for suicide loss survivors: An overview of reviews", Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 26, 6, 2024, 343-350. doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2024.81448.3146
Asgari, Z. (2024). 'Grief interventions for suicide loss survivors: An overview of reviews', Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 26(6), pp. 343-350. doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2024.81448.3146
Z. Asgari, "Grief interventions for suicide loss survivors: An overview of reviews," Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 26 6 (2024): 343-350, doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2024.81448.3146
Asgari, Z. Grief interventions for suicide loss survivors: An overview of reviews. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 2024; 26(6): 343-350. doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2024.81448.3146