Analysis of relation between time management behaviors and occupational stress of medical surgical ward’s Head Nurses of educational hospitals depend on shaheed beheshti medical university.

Document Type : Research Paper



This is a correlation or association research which is aimed at analysis of relation between time management behaviors (setting goal and priorities, mechanics of time management, control of time and organization) and occupational stress (role overload, role ambiguity and role conflict) of Medical Surgical ward’s Head nurses of educational hospitals depend on shaheed beheshti Medical University.
Methods and Materials: 30 Head nurses (all of the samples) participate in this research. A questionnaire which had 32 questions and an observation sheet which had 20 items were used to measure time management behaviors (T.M.B) of Head nurses. In addition 10 questions was related to personal characteristics. For determination occupational stress a questionnaire which had 15 questions was used. For data analysis X2 and pearson correlation coefficient were used.
Results: The result indicate that in general most of nurses in our sample located in good level of T.M.B. In addition most of sample (50%) experience occupational stress in the normal level. There was no meaningful relationship between occupational stress and personal characteristic Finally Meaningful relation is seen between T.M.B and occupational stress (r= -0.81 P< 0.001).
