The efficacy examination of healthy relationship instructing with social learning perspective instructing on increasing awareness about boys andabusive relationships among girls

Document Type : Research Paper



the purpose of this research was to eaxamine the healthy relashionship instructing efficacy on increasing awarness about abusive relationships among girls and boys. Method: the research was quassi-exprimental. The population sample of research consisted of all girls in dormitory of Isfahan University (3000). For sampling, at first Awarness about Abusive Relationships Scale was randomly administered among 100 of them, then 30 persons were selected who their awarness about abusive relationship were low. Finally, they were randomly assigne in control and expreimental groups. Bouth groups were evaluated with Awarness about Abusive Relationships Scale bymeams of pre and posttest. The experimental group was recived-instructing intervention while control group was in waiting list.
Results: the results of Man cova showed healthy relationship instructing are effective on increasing awareness about abusive relationships and different aspects of it. (p<0/5).Counclusion: the results showed the insrtructing format could use as instructing model for healthy and abusive relationship for increasing awareness sand knoeledwge among girls in this field
