The comparison of 6-8 years girl students’ performance with and without oppositional defiant disorder in theory of mind tasks

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor of psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran

2 Assistant professor of psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran

3 M.Sc. in general psychology, Alzahra University, Tehran


Introduction: The purpose of the present study was the comparison of the 6-8 years girl students’ performance with and without oppositional defiant disorder in theory of mind tasks.
Materials and Methods: In the present causal-comparative study, 180 6-8 years girl students (60 students with oppositional defiant disorder, 120 students without oppositional defiant disorder) that were studying during academic year 2009-2010 in north and south schools of Tehran, through the phase cluster sampling, were investigated. For determining the theory of mind, the theory of mind test by Parker et al. was applied, and for determining the oppositional defiant disorder, 2 questionnaires, parent/child disruptive behavior disorder rating scale and the list of oppositional defiant disorder were applied. For data analysis, the analysis of variance and independent t-test were applied.
Results: According to data analysis, students’ performance without oppositional defiant disorder in theory of mind tasks have significant difference, with children performance having oppositional defiant disorder (P<0.05), so that students performance without oppositional defiant disorder is higher than students with oppositional defiant disorder, also there is a significant differences between students’ performance with and without oppositional defiant disorder in different age levels (P<0.001).
Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that students suffering from oppositional defiant disorder have deficiency in doing theory of mind tasks.


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