An investigation precedents posttraumatic growth (breakup romantic relationship) in the students

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate professor of psychology, Shahid Chamran University of Ahwaz

2 M.Sc. in family consultancy


Introduction: The purpose of present study was to investigate precedents of posttraumatic growth (following breakup in romantic relations) through assessment of attribution styles and personality types in Shahid Chamran University students of Ahwaz.
 Materials and Methods: In thiscorrelational study, 214 students (160 female and 54 male) who have experienced breakup romantic relationship during April 2010 were selected using snowball sampling method. The instruments which were used included the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI), breakup romantic attribution and Short form of NEO Personality Traits Inventory (NEO-FFI). Simple correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis were used to analysis data, applying SPSS version 16.
 Results: Based on the result of multiple regression analysis, 22% variance of posttraumatic growth is explained by predictor variables (personality types and breakup romantic relationship attribution). Among the predictor variables, extroversion, consciousness and personal attribution can predict post traumatic growth.
Conclusion: Extroversion, consciousness personality types and personal attribution results in individual growth and developments after breakup a romantic relationship.


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