
  1. Due to the necessity of quick and timely evaluation of the manuscripts, referees are requested to send their opinions within 15 days through the referee profile.
  2. All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health are subject to double-blind peer review. The reviewers should read the COPE ethical guidelines for peer reviewers before starting the review of a manuscript and observe the items contained therein.
  3. After receiving a request for peer review of a manuscript, the referees should be responsible as soon as possible regarding the acceptance or rejection of the referee request. They should also declare any conflict of interest to the journal office so that a full evaluation can be done.
  4. The referees must keep any information about the identity of the authors and the content of the manuscript confidential.
  5. Peer review opinions should be constructive, and any hostile or unpleasant expression should be refrained.