Introduction: Problem solving is a coping and practical skill that increases the person's reverence and it has a relation with his good adaptability. Based on high rate of disability in Iran and need to pay attention to it, this research tries to investigate the impact of problem solving skill on adaptability of physically disabled individuals.
Materials and Methods: This research conducted through pre test-past test model with control group. In this research, 30 phisically disabled individuals who attend in Gorgan Welfare Organization in 2016 were divided into two groups of control (15) and experimental (15) randomly. Research instrument included Social Adaptability Questionnaire. Data analyzed by covariance analysis.
Results:The results show that there is a significant difference between two groups in past test group. So problem solving skill has significant impact on adaptability of physically disabled individuals (F= 941.54, P<0.001). Conclusion: Based on the significant difference of adaptability between two groups of control and test, we conclude that problem solving skill increases the adaptability of physically disabled individuals.
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Hoseinniya, M. (2017). The impact of problem-solving skill on the adaptability of physically disabled individuals. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 19(special issue), 229-233. doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2017.8728
Hoseinniya, M. . "The impact of problem-solving skill on the adaptability of physically disabled individuals", Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 19, special issue, 2017, 229-233. doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2017.8728
Hoseinniya, M. (2017). 'The impact of problem-solving skill on the adaptability of physically disabled individuals', Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 19(special issue), pp. 229-233. doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2017.8728
M. Hoseinniya, "The impact of problem-solving skill on the adaptability of physically disabled individuals," Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 19 special issue (2017): 229-233, doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2017.8728
Hoseinniya, M. The impact of problem-solving skill on the adaptability of physically disabled individuals. Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 2017; 19(special issue): 229-233. doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2017.8728