Introduction: The study of physical and mental health of health workers, as workers in the most peripheral level of health services is the basic structure of primary health in Iran. Materials and Methods: The study aimed to screen for psychiatric disorders among 1013 health workers in home health centers of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in 2014-15. Research instrument was Ninety-item questionnaire (SCL-90) as one of the most widely used tool for psychiatric diagnosis. SPSS software, descriptive statistics, tables, charts and chi-square were used to data analysis. Results: According to the findings, 91.6% of cases were healthy while 3.2% and 5.2% had disorder and serious disorder. The highest average score was related to obsession (1.22) and the lowest score related to phobia (0.5).The most common disorders are somatization, obsessive-compulsive and depression respectively.The prevalence rate of disorder is higher among women (P<0.01) and health workers who aged 35-44 years. There were not significant differences in variables such as marital status, education level, occupational history and city. Conclusion: Based on the results It seems that regarding to mental health in health workers especially among special age groups and gender is necessary.
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Rostami, F. (2017). Screening for psychiatric disorders among health workers in health centers of Khorasan Razavi province (2014-2015). Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 19(2), 119-123. doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2017.8495
Rostami, F. . "Screening for psychiatric disorders among health workers in health centers of Khorasan Razavi province (2014-2015)", Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 19, 2, 2017, 119-123. doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2017.8495
Rostami, F. (2017). 'Screening for psychiatric disorders among health workers in health centers of Khorasan Razavi province (2014-2015)', Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 19(2), pp. 119-123. doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2017.8495
F. Rostami, "Screening for psychiatric disorders among health workers in health centers of Khorasan Razavi province (2014-2015)," Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 19 2 (2017): 119-123, doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2017.8495
Rostami, F. Screening for psychiatric disorders among health workers in health centers of Khorasan Razavi province (2014-2015). Journal of Fundamentals of Mental Health, 2017; 19(2): 119-123. doi: 10.22038/jfmh.2017.8495