Investigating the relationship between mindfulness, emotional regulation, and theory of mind in bipolar patients

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Psychology and Counseling, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabour Branch, Neyshabour, Iran

2 Department of Psychology and Counseling, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabour Branch, Neyshabour, Iran.



Introduction: Bipolar disorder is a debilitating illness. Bipolar patients often have problems regulating emotions, which leads to poor social skills. Therefore, we investigated mindfulness, emotional regulation, and theory of mind in bipolar patients.
Materials and Methods: In this present study, the statistical population consisted of all patients with diagnosed bipolar disorder referred to the rehabilitation center for chronic neuropsychiatric patients in Mashhad City, Iran, in March-April 2024. We analyzed the data using SPSS 20, Pearson coefficient test, and regression analysis.
Results: We found a significant relationship between mindfulness and emotion regulation. The relationship between the conscious mind and adaptive emotional regulation was positive, while there was a negative relationship between the conscious mind and maladaptive emotional regulation.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between mindfulness, emotional regulation, and theory of mind in bipolar patients.


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